Stichting Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) is incorporated as a foundation under the laws of the Netherlands. Governed by a Steering Board representing the full seafood value chain, companies, NGOs, governments
Steering Board members

Trent Hartill (Co-Chair)
Vice President of Fisheries and Sustainability, American Seafoods

Dr. Ingrid Kelling (Co-Chair)
Assistant Professor of Sustainable and Ethical Seafood, Heriot-Watt University

Friðrik Friðriksson

Han Han
Executive Director, China Blue Sustainability

Elizabeth Claridge
Director of Biodiversity and Product Sustainability, Ahold Delhaize

Marcelo Hidalgo

Nianjun Shen

Lisa van Wageningen
Program Manager Aquaculture, IDH, Sustainable Trade Initiative

Sévrine Bethy
Food Safety and Responsible Sourcing Manager, Sodexo

Matt Thompson
Aquaculture Programs Manager, BalanceBlue Lab, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, New England Aquarium

Gert le Roux
Aquaculture and Fisheries Specialist, Woolworths South Africa

Kelley K. Bell
Social Responsibility Division Director, FishWise

Nuno Cosme
Chief Sustainability and CSR Officer, Nueva Pescanova Group
Advisors to the
Steering BoardÂ

Dr. Audun Lem
Deputy Director of the Policy and Resources Division in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, FAO

Elisabeth Vallet
Director, Ethic Ocean

Bill DiMento
Vice President of Quality Assurance, Sustainability, and Government Affairs, High Liner Foods Inc.

Dr. Jason Clay
Senior Vice President, Food & Markets | Executive Director Markets Institute, World Wildlife Fund

Christian von Dorrien
Leader Fisheries and Environment Research Group, Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries Thünen Institute

Jennifer Dianto Kemmerly
Vice President of Global Ocean Initiatives, Monterey Bay Aquarium

Angel Matamoro Irago