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Social Responsibility, Alaska’s Proactive, Global-Reaching Approach

Social responsibility is a complex topic with different areas of focus globally. Listen to this webinar to hear more about Alaska seafood’s culture of responsibility and its part in the global discussion and efforts to move this evolving topic forward for the benefit of all fisheries. Panelists are Matt Alward, (United Fishermen of Alaska), Stephanie […]

34th Session of the Committee on Fisheries

As an observer during the 34th Session of the Committee on Fisheries, GSSI shared three statements for the member states: GSSI Global Benchmark Tool Seafood MAP IUU fishing

Source for Tomorrow

The Marine Stewardship Council now sets the global standard for eco-certified fisheries. It is estimated that 15% of the global seafood catch is now certified to MSC-certified standards. Challenges remain for wild seafood certification, and the industry in many ways represents some of the current for eco-certification overall. Two major challenges remain, including how To […]